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Direction to solve :
Pick out the most effective word(s) from the given words to fill in the blank to make the sentence meaningfully complete.

01. The prince is known for his chivalrous treatment of women. So, it was _______ of her to refuse his party invitation.
A. unchivalrous B. churlish
C. ungallant D. prudent

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Answer: churlish

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02. Microbreweries are _________ all over the country.
A. coming up B. springing up
C. settling up D. starting up

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Answer: springing up

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03. A. Against all ____ the race car driver recovered from his injuries
B. I found myself at ____ with my colleagues at the college.
C. His latest evidence is at ____ with his earlier statement.
D. He didn’t keep much in his desk – just _____ ends.
E. She has so many ____ yet she is always cool and composed.
A. Nicks B. Odds
C. Variance D. Par
E. Problems

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Answer: Odds

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04. A. Finding my brother after all these years was a ____ come true.
B. The new motorbike goes like a ____.
C. My big ____ is to become a professional chess player.
D. I wouldn’t ____ of letting my daughter go out on her own at night.
E. One must work hard to realize one’s ____.
A. Dream B. Gale
C. Goal D. Aim
E. Wish

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Answer: Dream

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05. A. He will be working in an advisory _____ on this project.
B. The fuel tank has a ____ of 20 gallons.
C. The cinema theatre was filled to ____.
D. I attended the meeting at the factory which has been working at full ____ all through the year.
E. Their cup of joy was full to the _____ when they were blessed with a bonny baby.
A. Committee B. Strength
C. Capacity D. Ability
E. Brim

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Answer: Capacity

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06. A. He improved step by ____.
B. Our chairman has decided to ____ down in favour of a younger man.
C. You had better watch your ____ or you will be sacked for incompetence
D. He feels he is out of ____ with today’s young people.
E. The fraudster cheated the company to the ____ of several thousand dollars.
A. Pace B. Speed
C. Step D. Slow
E. Tune

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Answer: Step

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07. A. It is ____ on her to have to stay behind when her husband goes to war.
B. We had no money for a hotel so we had to ____ it and camp out.
C. I don’t like living in the outskirts , but with a new job you have to take the ___ with the smooth.
D. What is ____ for you may be easy for me.
E. People resented her for her ____ manners.
A. Difficult B. Rough
C. Save D. Trying
E. Coarse

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Answer: Rough

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